CV Action Words – Teaching
Continuing our series on action words and making use of them in your CV, today we are covering “Teaching” words.
The use of action words is a critical element of your CV/Resume, they turn the tone of your writing from the passive voice, into the active voice.
Teaching refers to the process of educating people on a particular topic by providing instruction, guidance, and feedback. It involves the ability to effectively explain concepts, present information and provide feedback. Having strong teaching skills means being able to effectively and efficiently guide others in understanding and mastering a particular topic. It also involves providing feedback in a constructive manner and fostering a positive learning environment.
Adapted | Advised | Clarified | Coached | Communicated | Coordinated | Developed |
Enabled | Encouraged | Evaluated | Explained | Facilitated | Guided | Informed |
Persuaded | Set Goals | Stimulated | Studied | Taught | Trained | Demystified |
Instructed |