
CV Action Words – Quantifiable

CV Action Words – Quantifiable

We end our series on action words and making use of them in your CV,  by covering “Quantifiable” words.

Quantifiable skills refer to an individual’s ability to manipulate and analyse numerical data. It involves the ability to accurately interpret data, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions. Having strong quantitative skills means being able to effectively and efficiently interpret data, use mathematical models, and make logical deductions. It also involves the ability to analyse large data sets and recognise patterns and trends.

The use of action words is a critical element of your CV/Resume, they turn the tone of your writing from the passive voice, into the active voice.


Administered Allocated Analysed Appraised Audited Balanced Budgeted
Computed Developed Forecasted Managed Marketed Maximised Minimised
Calculated Planned Researched Projected

Now you have a good overview of how to use action words along with a selection to chose from and use in your CV.
What else would you like us to cover?

You can read all of the posts in the CV Action Words series here

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