
CV Action Words – Research

CV Action Words – Research

Continuing our series on action words and making use of them in your CV, today we are covering “Research” words.

The use of action words is a critical element of your CV/Resume, they turn the tone of your writing from the passive voice, into the active voice.

Research refers to the systematic process of gathering and analyzing data in order to gain insights and develop new ideas. It involves the ability to effectively search for and analyze information, draw conclusions, and present findings. Having strong research skills means being able to effectively and efficiently search for, analyze, and interpret data in order to answer research questions. It also involves being able to recognize patterns and trends.


Clarified Collected Concluded Conducted Constructed Critiqued Derived
Diagnosed Discovered Evaluated Examined Extracted Formed Identified
Interpreted Interviewed Investigated Modelled Organised Resolved Reviewed
Determined Inspected Summarised Surveyed Tested

How’s your research going into crafting the perfect CV? Using these action words will help on that quest.

You can view all the posts in the Action Words series here

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