
CV Action Words – Creative

CV Action Words – Creative

Continuing our series on action words and making use of them in your CV, today we are covering “Creative” words.

The use of action words is a critical element of your CV/Resume, they turn the tone of your writing from the passive voice, into the active voice.

Creativity refers to the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas. It involves the use of imagination and problem-solving skills to develop original and unique solutions. Having strong creativity means being able to come up with novel ideas, approaches, and solutions to any given problem. It also means having the ability to think and act quickly and find alternative solutions to any given situation.


Acted Composed Conceived Conceptualised Created Customised Designed
Directed Established Fashioned Founded Illustrated Initiated Instituted
Introduced Invented Originated Performed Planned Published Redesigned
Developed Integrated Revised Revitalised Shaped Visualised

We believe that you can get creative in with your CV in utilising some of these action words.

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